Kamis, 29 Maret 2012


Adohhhh...... kemaren dapet pengalaman yang mengerikan... ::48:: ::78::Sebenernya si aku juga udah was2 sama orang ini dari awal (perhatian, jangan gampang percaya sama orang yang baru kenal apa lagi kenalan lewat dunia maya::20::), karena aku ingin melakukan penelitian apakah bener dugaanku tentang ni orang. Ternyata emang dugaanku bener, ni orang gak bener. udah pikirannya kemana - kemana, gak jelas, gerak geriknya mencurigakan, baru kenal udah berani minjem2 duit.... Sorry anda berada di tempat yang salah klo mau ngibulin orang.... ::104::. Jadi pengen ngelempar dia keluar angkasa ::19:: ::57::. Tampang boleh oke tapi otak gak menunjang sama aja bo'ong, NOL BESAR ::37::.

Pada jaman edan sekarang ini susah banget nemuin pasangan yang bener ya? ::15:: Inilah akibat dari terkikisnya nilai2 moral, adab, sopan santun yang sedang meraja lela saat ini...::84::. Dimana - mana ada aja rasa kawatir, gak tenang.... Ayo ibuk2 dan calon ibuk2, kita didik anak kita dengan bener supaya nilai2 kebaikan menjadi trend di bumi ini.... ::27::.....

Kapan si putri cantik ini bisa ketemu pangerannya...... ::61::

I'll be here waiting for my prince.... ::108::
Cepetan jemput aku ya......

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Senang Gembira ^^

Kyaaaa~~~ ::100::CD Super Delicate punyaku udah dateng dengan selamattt.... ::56::

akhirnya setelah penantian 1 bulan lebih...... akhirnya sampai di tangan ::61::.....

ohya.... Otanjoubi omedetou!!! abang Yuyan!!! ::132::

Maaf telat ngucapinnya ya..... !!! pokoknya Otanjoubi omedetou!!!

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

[Translation] Myojo Mayo 2012 - Campus Talk (Inoo x Okamoto x Yabu)

Myojo Mayo 2012 - Campus Talk (Inoo x Okamoto x Yabu)

sama seperti sebelum2 nya ini aku dapet dari blog jumpingtomyheart

Birth of the new
university trio

campus talk

New students starting college this spring, Yabu and Okamoto, receive the blessing of his senpai Inoo!
We talk about their hopes and willingness to college life ♪

Combining work and study is hard, but we share the pain!

Inoo: Congratulations on getting into college! He had faith in you!

Yabu: what random (laughs). Thank you.

Inoo: indeed, when you decided you wanted to take classes in college?

Okamoto: I hated not learn much, and as new knowledge is fun, I naturally wanted to go to college.

Yabu: I, I've always wanted to go to college. I did not go when I graduated from high school, but I thought it did not matter when you take the classes, and did the exam this year.

Inoo: you asked for advice, right?

Yabu: I decided not to tell him or my family or members, to anyone. College expenses I will pay me too.

Okamoto: I asked Ino-chan. "College is fun? What things do you do? ".

Inoo: I do. Then Keito said in many places that would "take college classes."

Okamoto: in the MC of the concert said "I'm studying to go to college" in front of the fans. I pushed myself.

Yabu: After you have said, if you were suspended, had not been well.

Inoo: that, that. I thought "this guy is really incredible."

Yabu: I, when I passed the first exam, I began gradually to tell the members.

Inoo: Who did you tell first?

Yabu: Chinen and Hikaru perhaps because I came home with them by chance. Chinen not so surprised, but Hikaru is shocked. He said all the time "Huh, really?! What, what? ".

Okamoto: that I surprised myself!

Yabu: as Keito was doing exams, not desconcentrarte, I told you when you finished all the exams. But you ended up being the last.

Inoo: I'm really glad that ye university. During these 3 years I was the only university. Combining study with work is very hard, but we have become fellow-sufferers makes me happy.

Yabu: Okay. Let's talk about college!

Inoo: But do college credit is hard, strive both!

Yabu: I specialize as communication systems, I can take computer classes. So I have to study a system. Nakamaru-kun of KAT-TUN is my senior in the race, and said "if you have any questions, call me", you might ask a lot.

Inoo: Keito, I think it's best to make many friends and you get along with teachers. When you have to stop going to class work, let him see a note, you must follow the advice of your teacher.

Okamoto: understood. Then, Ino-chan, college is fun? Honestly, how is it?

Inoo: as I am on the faculty of science and technology, the proportion of boys and girls is 9 to 1, almost all are boys. Before, in college there were many girls, had a picture of a world bright, beautiful. But the truth is we're just guys, we white coats and goggles to strange experiments, spent sleepless nights, we make models ...

Yabu: wajajajaja (laughs). What normal! Are you really an idol?

Inoo: But well, I guess in the faculty of Keito no single guys, so what if you live in campus life as I had dreamed? It would be nice, right?

Okamoto: I see ... but not just for the girls is good (laughs). Anyway, I just had to go, but I want my life desfrutar college and graduate without problems!

Yabu: I also want to learn a lot in my classes, and if I could apply it to my work would be great ♪

Translation: Matsu
Credit: Matsu
from: http://jumpingtomyheart.blogspot.com/2012/03/tradu-myojo-mayo-2012-campus-talk-inoo.html

JUMPaper Inoo Kei 2012.03.20

Heiii..... ni JUMPaper dari Inoo chan yang aku dapet dari blog jumpingtomyheart seperti biasa cuma pake google translate.... Enjoy it!! ::124::


Inoo Kei


I just spent the flu XoX

I have worried u_u

I'm sorry u_u

Now I have revived and I'm fine ^ o ^

Controlled steplessly your physical condition ^ - ^ '

Sorry late update!

This time I have to apologize ^ ^ '

Next time I will endeavor to have something to boast ;D

By the way, today we had photo session!

There benthos of nori and soboro ;D

Those who have chosen have been popular ben soboro >o<

I have eaten the nori ben!

What comeríais you?

As expected, we are at the time of nori ben!

By the way, had strawberries for dessert ;D

Right now as I write on the web, Yuto is showing me his air drum> <

Somehow, moving the sticks with winning side!

I wrote to Yuuto-chan ;)

Dai-chan and Keito are talking in secret.

Yuto has told me he would like to join, but I can not I do that!


JUMP is quiet today as ever ^ o ^

That's all ;D

Bye chachacha >o<

Translation: Matsu
credit: Matsu
from: http://jumpingtomyheart.blogspot.com/2012/03/tradu-jumpaper-inoo-kei-20120320.html

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012


Minnaaaaaa...!!!!!!::100:: aku dapet info tentang HEY! SAY! JUMP SUMMARY 2011 dari LJ.... but you must join in the group first... ::130::