Topi Rajut |
Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
Topi Rajut
Ohaaaaaaa....!!!! hehehe... walaupun sekarang udah sore... yupz... hari ni aku mau ngeposting hasil rajutankuuu... gara - garanyari topi rajut gak nemu - nemu yang sesuai keinginan akhirnya aku buat sendiri aja deh... hohoho.... habis yang di pasaran bentuknya pada yang kupluk2 gitu c kayak rege2 gitu, kalo gak kayak yang afika ntu.... jadi buat sendiri deh biar beda dari yang lainnya...ini dia penampakannya....
abaikan mukaku and perhatikan topinya aja ya...... gimana? manis kan topinya...? yahh walaupun sederhana, masih jarang yang kayak gitu dipasaran.... yak untuk hari ini segitu dulu ceritanya... see u... bai bai...
Huneg - Huneg,
Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012
Toko Online Michi
Haaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.........!!!!!!!!!! dimalem yang panas ini aku mau kasih tau kalo aku punya Toko Online niii..... sebenernya udah lama sih aku buka olshopnya... cuma kemaren - kemaren tu lagi hiatus gara-gara aku ngerjain skripsi... karena skripsi udah selesai, udah wisuda juga, akhirnya aku bisa aktifin lagi olshopku....
Michigirlz Olshop, itu namanya.... berupa page facebook. yang aku jual disitu baru baju - baju aja.... yah siapa tau nanti bisa berkembang ke ranah barang yang lain juga.... langsung aja ke TKP yaa....
Michigirlz Olshop, itu namanya.... berupa page facebook. yang aku jual disitu baru baju - baju aja.... yah siapa tau nanti bisa berkembang ke ranah barang yang lain juga.... langsung aja ke TKP yaa....
Huneg - Huneg,
Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012
Akhirnya WISUDA!!!
Yahooooooo!!!! akhirnya diriku wisuda juga....!!! yatta!!!!!!!!!! akhirnya jadi S.Kom hihihihihi.......
Huneg - Huneg
Selasa, 25 September 2012
Woahhh.....!!!!!!!! Tadi malem aku mimpi lagi untuk yang kesekian kalinya kalo JUMP ngadain konser di Indonesia... mana yang tadi malem panggungnya megah banget lagi. tempat duduk penonton juga bisa muter2, naik turun, bergerak kesana kemari membentuk formasi... yang anak2 johnnys-nya terbang kesana kemari juga... lampu warna warni kayak di carnaval... dan seperti ciri khas panggung johnny yang juga bergerak ke berbagai arah woahh.... pokoknya panggung luarbiasa yang pernah aku liyat... dan selain itu juga para artisnya bisa diliyat sama penonton dengan jelas mulai dari yang duduk di bawah sampe yang paling atas sama yang pojok2... (gak kyak semut2 kecil). jadi semua penonton juga ambil bagian penting dalam konser gak sekedar hanya nonton... andai saja didunia nyata ada panggung semegah itu....... penontonnya gak bakalan rugi seumur hidup kalo nonton.....
ayo dunk JUMP dateng ke Indonesia..... MATTERUKARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ayo dunk JUMP dateng ke Indonesia..... MATTERUKARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huneg - Huneg
Minggu, 23 September 2012
JUMP di TT Indonesia XD
JUMP di TT Indonesia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD OMEDETO JUMP!!!!! thank u JUMP, for making me smile when i'm sad, for giving me hope when i'm about to lose it, for cheer me always. Minna, this isnt the end. This is just a reminder of how far JUMP has gone. Let's support them til the end minna! (tweets)
Sabtu, 22 September 2012
5th Anniversary Hey! Say! JUMP
hiyaaa~~~~ tak terasa HSj skrg udah 5 taun berkarya.... OMEDETO!!!!!! (bener gak y tulisannya? ^,^')
aku akan trus mendukung kalian... SEMANGAT!!!
aku akan trus mendukung kalian... SEMANGAT!!!
Rabu, 19 September 2012
Freedom Kingdom
YEAAHHHH!!!!! akhirnya bisa terlepas dari SKRIPSI and now tinggal nunggu wisuda....!!! S.Kom wanna be..... hahhh..... bingung mau nulis apa gara - gara udah lama banget gak nulis blog... pengen nulis cerpen tapi belum mut, pengen buat puisi tapi belum mut juga... emang klo nulis tu harus mut - mutan ya? mending ngemut permen dah...(malah ngawur ngomongnya) internet gak ada, pake modem lemot, warnet penuh trus apa lagi??
hiyaaaaaa~~~~ kenapa aku jadi gak semangat gini ya... apa yang salah?? aku pengen berpetualang... adventure!!! mencari harta karun.... harta karun bajak laut..... bajak laut yang ada di laut.... dilaut yang berwarna biru..... sebiru langit yang cerah.... cerah merona... seperti wajahku!!! Wakakakaka..... gilanya muncul..... hufff..... ^3^ dfdw#%#*&%^$%
sumpah aku kekurangan energi.... ada yang mau transfer energi?? hhmmm..... I don't think so... secara gak ada yang komen gitu loh blog ini... sooooooo..... up to me mau ngomong apa aja gak ada yang komen. datang dan pergi terus berlalu tidak meninggalkan jejak.... nasip nasip jadi blogger... dan untuk mengibur diri aku akan meninggalkan jejak inoo-chan yang sepertinya sedang bingung juga
hiyaaaaaa~~~~ kenapa aku jadi gak semangat gini ya... apa yang salah?? aku pengen berpetualang... adventure!!! mencari harta karun.... harta karun bajak laut..... bajak laut yang ada di laut.... dilaut yang berwarna biru..... sebiru langit yang cerah.... cerah merona... seperti wajahku!!! Wakakakaka..... gilanya muncul..... hufff..... ^3^ dfdw#%#*&%^$%
sumpah aku kekurangan energi.... ada yang mau transfer energi?? hhmmm..... I don't think so... secara gak ada yang komen gitu loh blog ini... sooooooo..... up to me mau ngomong apa aja gak ada yang komen. datang dan pergi terus berlalu tidak meninggalkan jejak.... nasip nasip jadi blogger... dan untuk mengibur diri aku akan meninggalkan jejak inoo-chan yang sepertinya sedang bingung juga
Huneg - Huneg
Senin, 16 Juli 2012
Yattaaaaaaaaaaaa.......!!!!!!!! album Hey!Say!JUMP yang udah aku pesen dari 2 bulan lalu akhirnya datenggg.... :D
Huneg - Huneg
Jumat, 22 Juni 2012
Inoo Kei Birthday
Inoo Kei - chan~~!!!!!!!!!
Otanjoubi omedetou!!!!!!!Selamat Ulang Tahun Kei-chan!!!!
I LOVE YOU!!!! >.<
Huneg - Huneg,
Minggu, 03 Juni 2012
hei minna...!!!! kamu bisa download JUMP WORLD - 2nd Album-nya Hey! Say! JUMP LE
Minna, Everyone Reading This,
Please, Please, Please, PLEASE! Buy The JUMP WORLD Album to
Support Hey! Say! JUMP! They've Put Alot Of Time And Work Into Making
This Album For You and Please Show Respect for The Group By Buying Their
Arigatou! ♥
Sabtu, 14 April 2012
Selasa, 03 April 2012
[Translation] Myojo May 2012 - BEST Crosstalk
Seperti biasa aku pake google translate dan dari jumpingtomyheart's blog. Dan seperti biasa juga cross talknya BEST bikin aku ngakak...
When we do the fool, we do strive to maximum. This is BEST!
Inoo: what are the good points of BEST?
Arioka: when we are being silly or bother, we do with all our might!
Yabu: in addition, where are the 5 together, we always end up being silly.
Yaotome: but it seems to me that Takaki rarely starts something.
Arioka: true, few times. It used to say "I'm fine ..." but now we continue the roll.
Takaki: ajajaja (laughs) I guess so.
Yaotome: yes, though at first you are not ON, then turn on that button and in the end you're being silly giving everything. (NDM: lmao I want to see XD)
Arioka: like today, when we were taking pictures outside, we had to pose raising our hands to the sky, as if we communicate with space. Then it seemed that you did with shame, but in the end you were enjoying it.
Yabu: This photo shoot has really gone the BEST. When we give ideas for the sessions, what we can do to make the pictures look good, that's all what we think.
Yaotome: even if normal photos, little by little we started to fool the camera and says "Put a cool expression, please!"
Yabu: true, true. But 7 seems to do more artistic photos, not so interesting.
Takaki: ah ~ I understand what you mean. I wonder what photos taken.
Arioka: now that I think, we always take pictures and videos rare members in our cameras (digital). Recently, Inoo-chan sent me an email soon, "I was organizing my photos and when I saw photos of BEST, I felt like to be." What was I thinking? (Laughs).
Inoo: Oh, that. Is that the photos and videos from my computer was very messy and I wanted to sort them to find them more easily. Then I found a video of Dai-chan very funny, and I really wanted to be entered, so I sent in email.
Arioka: what kind of video?
Inoo: a video of Dai-chan in the park eating chicken in the wild. Also, I have many pictures of when we went to Hawaii and Okinawa. (NDM: I NEED to see all those videos and photos of the speakers. Please. PLEASE! XD)
Yaotome: now that you mention it, I took pictures of everyone in Hawaii.
Takaki: I, I have more photos of other members than mine!
Inoo: maybe when BEST is in front of a camera, just doing something fun. Not that the sessions fun, is that BEST itself is fun.
Arioka: recently, for work, Yabu-kun, Keito and I went to Hong Kong. Then, Yabu-kun did not fail to silly photos with your camera.
Yabu: I had nothing to do in the hotel room, we had much free time. When we were having fun all three in the room, did mysterious characters as "space people with too much time" and took pictures (laughs).
Takaki: how was that?
Arioka: shouted "Free time", we wore shower caps for nothing and we did laugh ...
Takaki: ajajaj (laughs). ~ What nonsense.
Yabu: just did silly things like that (laughs).
We can not dive without oxygen!?
Yaotome: the last time we met the 5 BEST was in December?
Arioka: yes. Ate yakiniku.
Takaki: hey, yakiniku? Ah, okay. As I was dieting, just eat meat that day, so I had no recollection of making eating yakiniku. I was scared! I thought it was the only one you had not invited. (NDM: nooo diet; ____ ;)
Arioka: no, no. Takaki was there. As Hikaru-kun's birthday was on December 2, met the BEST to eat.
Yaotome: that day, ate only vegetables Takaki. Suddenly I inventasteis a rule was "do what you must tell the birthday boy" and I forced myself to eat 2 pieces of meat. (NDM: Hikaru just won a lot in my ♥)
Takaki: true.
Arioka: also did a killer wink. It was fun ♪
Yabu: in the end stayed until they closed. When BEST meets, we are always a lot of time together.
Takaki: apart from that, we have not returned to collect the 5, right?
Inoo: true, was it before the concerts?
Yabu: I do. What have you done since then?
Inoo: I've had exams.
Yaotome: when you ask Ino-chan "What have you done lately?" Almost always answer "tests and homework."
Inoo: but it's true, I can not help it!
Takaki: I've seen movies. Other than that, I have done almost nothing else.
Yabu: fun?
Takaki: yep!
Inoo: Takaki almost always says he's seen the movies are good.
Arioka: yes, yes. I have never heard Takaki say "no fun".
Yaotome: I met with Shinichi Kawai-san Volleyball World Cup 2007.
Arioka: long time ago, right? What did you talk?
Yaotome: I said "You've grown," but as far as he is taller than me, it was something that made me special pleasure. (NDM: Kawai measured 1.95)
Yabu: ajajajaja (laughs).
Inoo: I think it's good that we meet the 5.
Yabu: we have never traveled the 5 together, right? How about taking a trip together?
Yaotome: would be nice. Let's make snow!
Takaki: I can not.
Arioka: whenever we go all to make snow, Takaki says "will not".
Takaki: because it scares me. (NDM: and me)
Yaotome: Well, we will accompany you to the top!
Takaki: I do not want! (NDM: you stay in the bar with me ♥)
Yaotome: Okay. We will go where it says Takaki. Where was it?
Arioka: as Takaki likes water sports, what the beach?
Takaki: OK, let's go diving!
Inoo: how good ~
Yabu: I have not ever done ...
Yaotome: do not worry. Ah, but if we dive the 5 together, if we laugh too much at sea, we will end without oxygen.
Takaki: that's not right! (Laughs).
Translation: Matsu
Credit: Matsu
When we do the fool, we do strive to maximum. This is BEST!
Inoo: what are the good points of BEST?
Arioka: when we are being silly or bother, we do with all our might!
Yabu: in addition, where are the 5 together, we always end up being silly.
Yaotome: but it seems to me that Takaki rarely starts something.
Arioka: true, few times. It used to say "I'm fine ..." but now we continue the roll.
Takaki: ajajaja (laughs) I guess so.
Yaotome: yes, though at first you are not ON, then turn on that button and in the end you're being silly giving everything. (NDM: lmao I want to see XD)
Arioka: like today, when we were taking pictures outside, we had to pose raising our hands to the sky, as if we communicate with space. Then it seemed that you did with shame, but in the end you were enjoying it.
Yabu: This photo shoot has really gone the BEST. When we give ideas for the sessions, what we can do to make the pictures look good, that's all what we think.
Yaotome: even if normal photos, little by little we started to fool the camera and says "Put a cool expression, please!"
Yabu: true, true. But 7 seems to do more artistic photos, not so interesting.
Takaki: ah ~ I understand what you mean. I wonder what photos taken.
Arioka: now that I think, we always take pictures and videos rare members in our cameras (digital). Recently, Inoo-chan sent me an email soon, "I was organizing my photos and when I saw photos of BEST, I felt like to be." What was I thinking? (Laughs).
Inoo: Oh, that. Is that the photos and videos from my computer was very messy and I wanted to sort them to find them more easily. Then I found a video of Dai-chan very funny, and I really wanted to be entered, so I sent in email.
Arioka: what kind of video?
Inoo: a video of Dai-chan in the park eating chicken in the wild. Also, I have many pictures of when we went to Hawaii and Okinawa. (NDM: I NEED to see all those videos and photos of the speakers. Please. PLEASE! XD)
Yaotome: now that you mention it, I took pictures of everyone in Hawaii.
Takaki: I, I have more photos of other members than mine!
Inoo: maybe when BEST is in front of a camera, just doing something fun. Not that the sessions fun, is that BEST itself is fun.
Arioka: recently, for work, Yabu-kun, Keito and I went to Hong Kong. Then, Yabu-kun did not fail to silly photos with your camera.
Yabu: I had nothing to do in the hotel room, we had much free time. When we were having fun all three in the room, did mysterious characters as "space people with too much time" and took pictures (laughs).
Takaki: how was that?
Arioka: shouted "Free time", we wore shower caps for nothing and we did laugh ...
Takaki: ajajaj (laughs). ~ What nonsense.
Yabu: just did silly things like that (laughs).
We can not dive without oxygen!?
Yaotome: the last time we met the 5 BEST was in December?
Arioka: yes. Ate yakiniku.
Takaki: hey, yakiniku? Ah, okay. As I was dieting, just eat meat that day, so I had no recollection of making eating yakiniku. I was scared! I thought it was the only one you had not invited. (NDM: nooo diet; ____ ;)
Arioka: no, no. Takaki was there. As Hikaru-kun's birthday was on December 2, met the BEST to eat.
Yaotome: that day, ate only vegetables Takaki. Suddenly I inventasteis a rule was "do what you must tell the birthday boy" and I forced myself to eat 2 pieces of meat. (NDM: Hikaru just won a lot in my ♥)
Takaki: true.
Arioka: also did a killer wink. It was fun ♪
Yabu: in the end stayed until they closed. When BEST meets, we are always a lot of time together.
Takaki: apart from that, we have not returned to collect the 5, right?
Inoo: true, was it before the concerts?
Yabu: I do. What have you done since then?
Inoo: I've had exams.
Yaotome: when you ask Ino-chan "What have you done lately?" Almost always answer "tests and homework."
Inoo: but it's true, I can not help it!
Takaki: I've seen movies. Other than that, I have done almost nothing else.
Yabu: fun?
Takaki: yep!
Inoo: Takaki almost always says he's seen the movies are good.
Arioka: yes, yes. I have never heard Takaki say "no fun".
Yaotome: I met with Shinichi Kawai-san Volleyball World Cup 2007.
Arioka: long time ago, right? What did you talk?
Yaotome: I said "You've grown," but as far as he is taller than me, it was something that made me special pleasure. (NDM: Kawai measured 1.95)
Yabu: ajajajaja (laughs).
Inoo: I think it's good that we meet the 5.
Yabu: we have never traveled the 5 together, right? How about taking a trip together?
Yaotome: would be nice. Let's make snow!
Takaki: I can not.
Arioka: whenever we go all to make snow, Takaki says "will not".
Takaki: because it scares me. (NDM: and me)
Yaotome: Well, we will accompany you to the top!
Takaki: I do not want! (NDM: you stay in the bar with me ♥)
Yaotome: Okay. We will go where it says Takaki. Where was it?
Arioka: as Takaki likes water sports, what the beach?
Takaki: OK, let's go diving!
Inoo: how good ~
Yabu: I have not ever done ...
Yaotome: do not worry. Ah, but if we dive the 5 together, if we laugh too much at sea, we will end without oxygen.
Takaki: that's not right! (Laughs).
Translation: Matsu
Credit: Matsu
Kamis, 29 Maret 2012
Adohhhh...... kemaren dapet pengalaman yang mengerikan... Sebenernya si aku juga udah was2 sama orang ini dari awal (perhatian, jangan gampang percaya sama orang yang baru kenal apa lagi kenalan lewat dunia maya), karena aku ingin melakukan penelitian apakah bener dugaanku tentang ni orang. Ternyata emang dugaanku bener, ni orang gak bener. udah pikirannya kemana - kemana, gak jelas, gerak geriknya mencurigakan, baru kenal udah berani minjem2 duit.... Sorry anda berada di tempat yang salah klo mau ngibulin orang.... . Jadi pengen ngelempar dia keluar angkasa . Tampang boleh oke tapi otak gak menunjang sama aja bo'ong, NOL BESAR .
Pada jaman edan sekarang ini susah banget nemuin pasangan yang bener ya? Inilah akibat dari terkikisnya nilai2 moral, adab, sopan santun yang sedang meraja lela saat ini.... Dimana - mana ada aja rasa kawatir, gak tenang.... Ayo ibuk2 dan calon ibuk2, kita didik anak kita dengan bener supaya nilai2 kebaikan menjadi trend di bumi ini.... .....
Kapan si putri cantik ini bisa ketemu pangerannya......
Pada jaman edan sekarang ini susah banget nemuin pasangan yang bener ya? Inilah akibat dari terkikisnya nilai2 moral, adab, sopan santun yang sedang meraja lela saat ini.... Dimana - mana ada aja rasa kawatir, gak tenang.... Ayo ibuk2 dan calon ibuk2, kita didik anak kita dengan bener supaya nilai2 kebaikan menjadi trend di bumi ini.... .....
Kapan si putri cantik ini bisa ketemu pangerannya......
I'll be here waiting for my prince....
Cepetan jemput aku ya......
Cepetan jemput aku ya......
Huneg - Huneg
Rabu, 28 Maret 2012
Senang Gembira ^^
Kyaaaa~~~ CD Super Delicate punyaku udah dateng dengan selamattt....
Huneg - Huneg
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