Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Ost Mizone 2010 (Mika-Love Today)

hey all.... aku dapet lagunya Mika (Love Today) yang sekarang sering kita denger di iklan Mizone nih.... and sekarang aku mau share dengan kalian semua.... silahkan download mp3-nya di sini >> Mika-Love Today

Love Today lyrics
Songwriters: Penniman, Michael;
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di
Everybody's gonna love today
Gonna love today, gonna love today
Everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love
I've been crying for so long
Fighting tears just to carry on
But now, but now it's gone away
Hey girl, why can't you carry on?
Is it 'cause you're just like your mother?
Little tyke, like to tease for fun?
Well, you ain't gonna tease no other
Gonna make you a lover
Everybody's gonna love today, love today, love today
Everybody's gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love
Girl in a groove with the big bust on
Big bust on, big bust on
Wait till your mother and your papa's gone, papa's gone
Momma, momma papa
Shock shock me, shock shock me, shock shock
Said everybody's gonna love today
Gonna love today, gonna love today
I said everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love
Carolina sits on ninety-five
Give her a dollar and she'll make you smile
Hooker, what a looker, walk away!
Carry dresses like a kid for fun
Licks her lips like they're something other
Tries to tell you life has just begun
But you know she's getting something other
Than the love from her mother
Everybody's gonna love today, love today, love today
Everybody's gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love
Girl in a groove with the big bust on
Big bust on, big bust on
Wait till your mother and your papa's gone, papa's gone
Momma, momma papa
Shock shock me, shock shock me, shock shock
I said everybody's gonna love today
Gonna love today, gonna love today
I said everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di
Doo doo, da-di da-di, doo doo, da-di da-di
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di
Everybody's gonna love today
Gonna love today, gonna love today
Everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today
Anyway you want to, anyway you've got to
Love love me, love love me, love love
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di
Doo doo, da-di da-di, doo doo, da-di da-di
Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di

Yah.... selamat bernyanyai-nyanyi ria... ! atau silahkan download ost mizone 2009 (The ting tings-Great DJ).
Koleksi mp3 aku yang lainnya bisa kalian liat di halaman musik

Freeware HJ Split

Hai teman - teman...
Aku punya software bagus yang freeware ni.... Namanya HJ Split, dengan HJ Split kamu dapat menggabungkan ataupun memecah file yang besar. File-file yang ingin dipecah oleh tiap orang ini beraneka ragam mulai dari .exe, .avi, .mpeg, .zip, .rar, maupun extensi-extensi lainnya. Bahkan HJ-Split mampu melakukan Handle terhadap File dengan ukuran yang sangat besar yang berkapasitas lebih dari 10Gb....!!!

Berikut adalah menu - menu yang ada pada HJ Splis dan Fungsinya :
  1. Split : Fungsi untuk memecah File yang ingin Anda Split.
  2. Join : Fungsi untuk menggabungkan File yang telah Anda pecah menjadi satu kesatuan utuh kembali.
  3. Compare : Fungsi untuk membandingkan ukuran Size dua buah file yang kita tentukan.
  4. Checksum : Fungsi untuk melakukan checking File Integrity (Integritas File) untuk memastikan File Anda tidaklah corrupt.
Cara memecah file pada HJ Split:
  • Jalankan program HJSplit.exe (tidak perlu diinstall), nanti akan muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini:

  • Kemudian klik Split , maka akan muncul tampilan sebagai berikut untitled
  • masukkan file dengan menekan tombol input file, kemudian pilih tempat meletakkan file hasil split dengan cara klik output
  • klik start, maka file tersebut akan dipecah. (Misalnya, anda memiliki sebuah file video berformat *.avi maka hasil dari pemecahannya adalah *.avi.001, *.avi.002, dan seterusnya)
Bingung cara menggabungkan file yang sudah di split/pecah??? berikut ini cara menggabungkan file hasil pecahan HJ Split (.001, .002,...), dapat dilakukan sebagai berikut:
  • Jalankan program HJSplit.exe (tidak perlu diinstall), nanti akan muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini:

  • Lalu Klik Join, nanti akan muncul tampilan seperti di bawah ini:

  • Kemudian klik Input File dan browse file yang hendak digabung (cukup file yg berekstensi .001 dan sisanya secara otomatis akan diekstrak, tapi pastikan semua file .001 sampai .00x berada pada folder yang sama).
  • Klik Start untuk memulai penggabungan.
  • Perlu diketahui waktu akan join, file yang akan terdeteksi hanya file .001 sedangkan .002 dan seterusnya tidak akan terlihat. Namun file .002 dan seterusnya akan otomatis akan ikut dijoin
yah.... demikian penjelasan tentang HJ Split. Kalian bisa mendownloadnya disini >> DOWNLOAD HJ SPLIT
semoga ini bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua....

Menaikkan kinerja komputer

Nah teman - teman pada pusing dengan komputer yang lelet, lemot, lola, dsb?? http://www.smileycodes.info aku dapat beberapa informasi yang mungkin bisa berguna bagi kalian untuk menaikkan/meningkatkan kinerja komputernya.... http://www.smileycodes.info
Perhatian: tweaking ini tentu saja hanya beraku untuk Sistem Operasi windows XP.
Caranya adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Matikan apa yang disebut dengan “System Restore” sebuah fasilitas dari windows untuk “menormalkan” kembali windows apabila terjadi kerusakan dengan jalan mengembalikan semua settingan window ke kondisi yang tersimpan oleh fasilitas ini. Dari fungsinya tentu saja akan membuat windows bekerja lebih “giat” untuk menyimpan kondisi tertentu supaya nantinya bisa digunakan untuk patokan pengembalian settingannya. Silahkan buka control panel anda kemudian pilih system maka jendela system akan keluar. Pada jendela system anda lihat beberapa tab, pilih yang System Restore. Sekarang anda bisa mematikan system restore dengan mengklik checkbox dengan keterangan Turn off system restore on all drive. Trus silahkan di Apply.
  2. Automatic Update?? NO WAY !!! Silahkan klik tab “automatic Update” dan kemudian ikuti instruksi di tab itu untuk mematikannya. Automatic update merupakan fasilitas yang berguna untuk mengautomatisasikan proses pembaruan website anda dengan mengkoneksikan computer kita dengan servernya Microsoft untuk kemudian secara otomatis mendownload dan mengaplikasikan beberapa file untuk mengupdate. Ow,… saya tak memerlukan fasilitas ini. Biarlah otak computer saya tak terlalu terbebani dangan hal-hal semacam itu.
  3. Anda suka dengan tampilan default window? Saya sudah bosan dengan animasi dan grafis semacam itu. Saya tidak perlu mempunyai operating system yang penuh dengan kerlap-kerlip. Maka dari itu, masih di dalam jendela system, saya klik tab performance kemudian memilih tombol setting pada frame performance (frame paling atas). Setelah itu akan muncul jendela baru, silahkan pilih “adjust for best performance“. Eit,… jangan keburu di OK dulu, di jendela itu klik tab advanced kemudian klik tombol change pada frame virtual memory. Nah disitu akan tertampil 3 partisi yang kita buat. Silahkan mematikan paging file dari drive C dan D dengan mengklik terlebih dahulu pada list kemudian klik radiobutton “no paging file” kemudian klik set. Lakukan ini untuk drive C dan D, kemudian untuk tempat paging file kita buat drive baru (misal drive E) yang berkapasitas 1 giga saja. Klik pada list (bagian drive E) kemudian klik pada “system managed size“, kemudian klik tombol set. Setelah itu klik OK-OK terus sampai ada pesan untuk direstart. Dan sebaiknya jangan direstart dahulu karena ada sedikit perubahan registri yang akan kita lakukan.
Windows akan menggunakan kapasitas dari hardisk untuk mendukung memory fisik, jadi dengan membuat drive sendiri untuk tempat virtual memory,… pasti akan lebih mempercepat kinerjanya.
  • Ketika anda mengklik start menu akan terasa ada semacam delay ketika kita berpindah antar menunya. Nah akan terasa sangat menjengkelkan bukan untuk menunggu sub menu muncul. Kita lakukan sedikit modifikasi pada registrinya. klik run kemudian ketik regedit. Klik OK. Akan muncul jendela registry. klik HKEY_CURRENT_USER > control panel > Desktop. Kemudian cari MenuShowDelay dan ubah propertinya menjadi 0. Tutup jendela registry anda kemudian restart
Nah coba anda rasakan perbedaanya..... Mudah - mudahan saja informasi ini bisa membantu kalian semua dalam meningkatkan kinerja komputernya.....http://www.smileycodes.info

Remove “You may be a victim of software counterfeiting”

wga-notification21Hey.... I have a good news for you all to remove “You may be a victim of software counterfeiting”...
How can you remove “You may be a victim of software counterfeiting.”,
you may follow this instruction but try it on your own risk!
  1. Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
  2. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32.
  3. Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
  4. Lauch RegEdit.
  5. Browse to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
  6. Delete the folder ‘WgaLogon’ and all its contents
  7. Reboot Windows XP.
I hope it can help you ...

Pitbull Feat. T-Pain – Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor)

Hey... selagi nunggu aku upload lagu - lagu yang lainnya, mending kalian nyanyi nyanyi dulu.... ni aku kasih liriknya....
Pitbull Feat. T-Pain – Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor)

So listen up
Let her go, lalala
Baby girl wanna play, let her go
Said let her go, lalala
Baby girl wanna play, let her go
Said let her go, lalala
Baby girl wanna play, let her go
Said let her go, lalala
Baby girl wanna play, let her go
Got it Pain?
Hey baby girl what you doing tonight?
I wanna see what you got in store (hey, hey baby)
You’re giving it your all when you’re dancing on me
I want to see if you can give me some more (hey, hey baby)
You can be my girl, I can be your man
And we can pump this jam however you want (hey, hey baby)
Pump it from the side, pump it upside down
Or we can pump it from the back and the front (hey, hey baby)
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Ooh drop it to the floor
Make me wanna say hey baby
Yeah, you can shake some more
Make me wanna say hey baby
Ooh you got it cause you
Make me wanna say hey baby
Ooh don’t stop it
I want you tonight
I’m a??
Self paid, self-made millionaire
I used to play around the world
Now I’m around the world getting paid
Girl problems, no problems
Don’t hate the game that won’t solve it
I want to get with you mami
Now let me see where the Lord??
Hey baby girl what you doing tonight?
I wanna see what you got in store (hey, hey baby)
You’re giving it your all when you’re dancing on me
I want to see if you can give me some more (hey, hey baby)
You can be my girl, I can be your man
And we can pump this jam however you want (hey, hey baby)
Pump it from the side, pump it upside down
Or we can pump it from the back and the front (hey, hey baby)
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Ooh drop it to the floor
Make me wanna say hey baby
Yeah, you can shake some more
Make me wanna say hey baby
Ooh you got it cause you
Make me wanna say hey baby
Ooh don’t stop it
I want you tonight
Make money, make money
This chicka right here gotta eat baby
Scared money don’t make money
That’s how it goes in the street baby
But enough with the the nonsense
Baby girl take a shot to clear your conscience
Not a goon or a God, I’m a monster
Cause I hit all baddest woman in the world, gangsta
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Oooh baby, baby lalalalala
Ooh drop it to the floor
Make me wanna say hey baby
Yeah, you can shake some more
Make me wanna say hey baby
Ooh you got it cause you
Make me wanna say hey baby
Ooh don’t stop it
I want you tonight

Far East Movement Feat. The Cataracs & Dev – Like a G6

Nih lirik yang lainnya.... sabar ya...  :D
Far East Movement Feat. The Cataracs & Dev – Like a G6 Lyrics

Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, like Three 6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
Verse 1
Gimme that Mo-Moet
Gimme that Cry-Crystal
Ladies love my style, at my table gettin wild
Get them bottles poppin, we get that drip and that drop
Now give me 2 more bottles cuz you know it don’t stop
(808) Hell Yeaa
Drink it up, drink-drink it up,
When sober girls around me, they be actin like they drunk
They be actin like they drunk, actin-actin like they drunk
When sober girls around me actin-actin like they drunk
Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, like Three 6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
Verse 2
Sippin on, sippin on sizz, Ima ma-make it fizz
Girl i keep it gangsta, poppin bottles at the crib
This is how we live, every single night
Take that bottle to the head, and let me see you fly
(808) Hell Yeaa
Drink it up, drink-drink it up,
When sober girls around me, they be actin like they drunk
They be actin like they drunk, actin-actin like they drunk
When sober girls around me actin-actin like they drunk
Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, like Three 6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
Its that 808 bump, make you put yo hands up
Make you put yo hands up, put yo, put yo hands up
(You can’t Touch this)
Its that 808 bump, make you put yo hands up
Make you put yo hands up, put yo, put yo hands up
(You can’t Touch this)
Hell Yeaaa, Make you put yo hands up, put yo put yo hands up
Hell Yeaaa, Make you put yo hands up, put yo put yo hands up
Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride, like Three 6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6
Like a G6, Like a G6
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6

Hack Bohongan

Hey teman.... aku dapet artikel menarik ni dari blog tetangga tjahmagelang yang membahas tentang hack bohongan atau juga bisa di sebut kena virus bohongan. hehehehe..... nah di sini aku akan berbagi kepada kalian. silahkan menikmati....
Cara agar CD drive buka/tutup secara terus menerus (Buka Notepad ketik script dibawah ini dan Save As menggunakan Extension .VBS):
Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Hack keyboard sehingga korban dipaksa mengetik "You are a gay" secara simultan. (Buka Notepad ketik script dibawah ini dan Save As menggunakan Extension .VBS):
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "You are a gay"
Munculin 5 pilihan yang harus korban pilih. (Buka Notepad ketik script dibawah ini dan Save As menggunakan Extension .BAT):
@echo off
title The end of the world
cd C:\
echo oops gw gak tanggung jawab lho apa yang barusan lu lakuin hehhe,,semuanya dh jadi tanggung jawab lu sendiri...
echo pilih nama cwe yang lu suka =P :
echo 1. datanya bakal ilang lho.
echo 2. komputer nya corrupt lho
echo 3. heheh no comment deh klo yang ini
echo 4. mau mati pake jalan ini?
echo 5. bye bye...
set input=nothing
set /p input=Choice:
if %input%==1 goto one
if %input%==2 goto two
Catatan: Untuk mengembalikan seperti semula... tekan CTRL+ALT+DEL lalu muncul Task Manager, klik tab process dan cari wscript.exe, kalau sudah ketemu klik dan End Process.
Nahh.... untuk lebih lengkapnya silahkan DOWNLOAD DISINI

Jesse McCartney – Shake

Jesse McCartney – Shake
Eh eh eh
Eh eh eh
I met this girl down the block from me
Used to tell myself
She was too hot for me
But then I saw her
At the corner store
So I run on over
Just to grab the door
I got her number
We started chillin'
We started buzzin'
And got addicted
Now I, I'm the one she can't live without
I bet that's her right now
Shorty hitting me up
Says she wanna re-up
Knows I got the best in town
Cuz when she get the shivers
She nows that I delivered
I'm the one who holds her down
She's about to break
Break, break, break, break
And I won't let her wait
Wait, wait, wait, wait
It's gettin' kinda late
Late, late, late, late
And she just want to shake
Shake, shake, shake, shake!
One day she started texting me
Asking if she coulda borrow that recipe
I told her, loving you is my speciality
She said, well, give it up, up, give it up, up
When she's away, it's such a downer
And I, miss her eveytime I'm not around her
Cuz she, she's the one I can't live without
I hope that's her right now

Shorty hitting me up
Says she wanna re-up
Knows I got the best in town
Cuz when she get the shivers
She nows that I delivered
I'm the one who holds her down
She's about to break
Break, break, break, break
And I won't let her wait
Wait, wait, wait, wait
It's gettin' kinda late
Late, late, late, late
And she just want to shake
Shake, shake, shake, shake!
I'm hooked on her
I'd do, I'd do antyhing to get her
She's hooked on me
I'm bad habit
She'd do, She'd do anything to have me
When she calls, I know
Exactly what she wants from me
Everytime I hear my phone ringing
She wants to shake it with me
Shorty hitting me up
Says she wanna re-up
Knows I got the best in town
Cuz when she get the shivers
She nows that I delivered
I'm the one who holds her down
She's about to break
Break, break, break, break
And I won't let her wait
Wait, wait, wait, wait
It's gettin' kinda late
Late, late, late, late
And she just want to shake
Shake, shake, shake, shake!

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Wah kenyangnya..... habis makan angkringan . BTW aku punya berita bagus ni, aku punya kumpulan serial number loh. Kalian bisa download sepuasnya >> DISINI<<
Tapi aku belum tau cara masukkin serial numbernya supaya gamenya jadi full . Jadi siapa aja yang tau cara masukin serial numbernya tolong di sharing disini ya.... because game house yang sekarang beda banget sama yang dulu. Mohon pencerahannya.....
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Talismania deluxe
Tap a jam
Teddy factory
Tennis titans
Text express 2 deluxe
The apprentice Los Angeles
The Great Tree
The Hidden Object Show
The Hidden Object Show: Season 2
The legend of el dorado
The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes
The Office
The treasures of montezuma
Tiki boom boom
Trade winds Legends
Tradewinds 2
Treasure island
Tri peaks solitaire to go
Trijinx - A Kristine Kross mystery
Trivial pursuit Bring on the 90's edition
Tropix!... your island getaway
Tumblebugs 2
Turtle bay
Ultimate Dominoes
UNO Under cover
Virtual villagers
Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children
Vogue Tales
Water bugs
Waterscape solitaire American falls
Wedding Dash
Wedding Dash 2
Westward II
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune 2
Word Harmony
Word Monaco
Word spiral
Word travels
WordJong To Go
Xango tango
Yahtzee Texas Hold'em
Zodiac Tower
Zuma Deluxe